Picton Water Treatment Plant Upgrades
The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward Status: Completed 2011 Consultant: RV Anderson and Associates LimitedThe project scope of work consisted of the construction of a new sludge transfer building, including sheet piling, as well as cast-in-place concrete tankage, with cavity wall cast-in-place masonry structure c/w electrical, mechanical, and PLC control system; complete replacement and upgrade of existing high lift, low lift, and backwash pumps with new emergency standby diesel generator; relocation of existing MCC and installation of new MCC; and removal and replacement of pump discharges, process piping, sanitary force mains, and process drains.
We refurbished the existing clearwell storage tank and constructed a new clearwell storage tank and demolished and removed the existing transfer building. We completed all site works, including construction of maintenance holes and valve chambers and supply and installation of plumbing, sub-drains, and other yard piping. All construction refurbishments and upgrades were performed while maintaining existing plant operation and KCL’s team provided complete commissioning and operating training. All civil, mechanical and electrical work was self-performed.