Wasauksing First Nation Water Treatment Plant
Parry Island Reserve, Parry Sound, OntarioClient
Wasauksing First Nations Reservation Status: Completed March 2012 Consultant: First Nations Engineering Services Ltd.The construction of a new water treatment plant located on Parry Sound Island to service Wasauksing First Nation Reserve consisted of constructing a new water treatment plant as well as the construction of a new raw water pumping station located approximately two kilometers from the plant. We completed required roadwork to supply and install forcemains, ductbanks and controls between the two buildings that included running 200mm forcemain from low lift to the WTP at a distance of 1.5 kilometers.
Site work required for the project included extensive rock blasting as well as supplying and installing the new 350mm raw water intake structure and piping into Georgian Bay. New plant included the supply and installation of new MS Filter, Multi Stage Filtration Plant, new chemical feed system, new laboratory, pumps, valves, piping, plumbing and heating systems, new electrical distribution MCCs, VFDs, generator, and controls. The buildings were cast-in-place concrete below grade for tankage and reservoir with architectural cavity wall with wood framed roofs above grade. Work included all yard piping, watermains, forcemains, ductbanks, and roadwork. We completed the start up and commissioning of new plant as well as operated the plant for the owner for 3 months. Following turnover of the new plant, we decommissioned, demolished, and removed the old existing plant and intake structure. All civil, mechanical, and electrical work was self-performed.