Slate Falls Nation Water Supply and Distribution System Upgrade
72 Lakeview Road Slate Falls, ON P0V 3C0Client
Slate Falls Nation Status: Completed 2018 Consultant: Keewatin-Aski Ltd.The project scope of work consists of the construction of a new Water Treatment Plant, Low Lift Pumping Station, Septic Field, and installation of new heat traced and insulated watermain piping throughout the community.
Included with this construction is considerable bedrock excavation work as well as installation of a raw water lake intake line and Lake Intake Structure, installed from a barge on the lake. The Water Treatment Plant consists of concrete reservoirs/clearwells, with a Pre-Engineered building housing the various pieces of equipment such as MCC’s, a chemical feed and storage system, Calcite Contactors, High Lift Pumps, Backwash Pumps, Nanofilter Trains, and various instruments.
All civil, mechanical, and electrical work will be self-performed